Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Wolf Parade


My friend Angela (or Bangela- a mixture of last and first name-as we like to call her) got free tickets to see Wolf Parade last night at the Showbox at the Market and convinced me to go. I'm really glad she did because the band was awesome live! Plus, we just had a really good time being girls and talking and drinking. Then we went to McCormick and Schmicks downtown and they had a great happy hour, burger and fries for $3. All in all, good evening, or as I like to quote from the Wedding Date, "Top Night!"

OH! I almost forgot this great moment. While Angela and I were walking in there was a guy on the street trying to give away his tickets. I see this one guy walk by and be offered by the gentleman. He says, No, I'm playing. The guy was like, but the tickets are free, and the guy was like, no, I'm playing the show. Turns out he was one of the lead singers of Wolf Parade.

Sunday, July 25, 2010

Professor Sock Hand!


Thursday, July 22, 2010

Well How About That?!

Turns out if I stop chewing as much bubble gum as I had been my scary nightmares about swallowing bubble gum stops.

Seriously, try waking up in a cold sweat, middle of the night, trying to figure out whether you had just swallowed your gum or not. Throat tight, innards clenched, looking around you in the dark, thinking, "Did I swallow my gum?! Are the Doctors going to have to operate on me to get out the wad?! Wait- why the heck would I chew gum before bed?!" That's about the point I am able to calm myself down with the realization it had only been a dream.

Friday, July 16, 2010

Boat Tours

Ryan got off work early last Friday and went down the Center for Wooden Boats and toured these two ships. One is the Hawaiian Chieftan and the Lady Washington. These are some of the photos of the 2 ships. The top two should be the Lady Washington and the bottom three are the Hawaiian Chieftan.

Family Visit

Here are more photos from the 4th of July weekend. Brandi and Mom in front of the Fremont Troll- do they look related or what?!
John learning how to blow the shell. I rock that thing, btw.
And Noah playing with fireworks. He looks like a little boy.

4th of July!

4th of July was sooo much fun! My mother, my cousin Brandi and her boyfriend John, oh and Wicket!, all came up for the weekend. On 4th of July, the one rainy day of the weekend, we had Monica and Noah over. We bought fireworks, which were misused and therefore pissed us women folk off, and had a bbq. The weather was so icky that we sat up in our bedroom and watched the fireworks from our window. I lit sparklers and the boys had roman candle fights. Really, alcohol, fireworks, and boys is a bad combination. But all that being said, it really was super fun!

Tuesday, July 13, 2010


We just started watching Glee this last weekend. We've had countless people telling us to watch it, that we would love it, but obviously we weren't motivated enough to search it out on our own, so nothing had come of it. Finally, someone decided to take matters into their own hands and brought us in season 1. We started it Friday night and have watched 4 episodes. We both are really enjoying it. I'm trying not to burn Ryan out on it so am waiting for him to be the one to suggest it, but I am dying to watch another episode.
Here is a clip from the first episode that gave me goosebumps.


Side Note: started the Sword of Truth series and am enjoying it immensely. Through my enjoyment I have decided that I am ready to finish the TV show series. I am down to my last episode- I'm nervous! It's sad to think after this episode there will be no new creations.

Friday, July 9, 2010

Thursday, July 8, 2010

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Birthday Celebration Trip

These photos are courtesy of Miss Monica Arvan from our Penninsula trip.