Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Christmas Day

Phil and Lennon

Mom and John

Phil in his coveralls

The boys in there holiday sweaters

A Brown Christmas

Boys went snow mobilin'
Well, hey now, that's not very nice!

Christmas Tradition: Men wrestling with each other

The Ladies Brown

Friends during Christmas

Rhea and me
Tamera and me

Tamera and I before we go out dancing. My mom told me I looked like an Avatar.

Little Red Riding Hoods- Brecca and I

Little bit of this Christmas

New Charades- guess the noun and adjective
Leah and Holden

Christine in from New Zealand!

Moffis Christmas

Ryan and Quiggley taking a nap during the Sorcerer's Apprentice


Jeremiah Johnson, Father Christmas, Davey Crocket

Jordan showing me her dance

Monday, December 27, 2010

Christmas DeNardi

Michaela passed out coloring - WOW that must have been a blast!
Mom teaching John to knit.

Brandi is due any day!

Michaela sporting her new kitty cap from the Starks.

The Dayton family showing off their scarves made by mom.

Here is my mom's side of the family, the DeNardi's. On Saturday the 18th we all got together and had a great time. Uncle Jay and Aunt Lori were kind enough to offer us their home, it was sooo much fun!

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

What 2 Glasses of Wine Will Get You!

Spilt Lasagna

Free Dinner for Kitty

Interesting Recycling

Wednesday, December 8, 2010


I am so excited for Tron! It comes out December 17th- I want to see it so bad!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Saturday, December 4, 2010

The Cha Cha Chug

The Bronco Nation

This a response of my dad and mine's initial feelings and final feelings in regards to the Bronco's Black Friday game.

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Car Grief

So, last week we got hit by a drunk driver who then proceeded to drive off. Pictures to follow.
Essentially the story goes as follows- sorry if it's abridged, it's just so exhausting at this point.
We are driving North on I-5 and boom! Slammed from the back. We pull over and I call the cops while Ryan get's out to inspect the damage and speak with the perp. The guy was incoherrent and had his shirt unbuttoned down to his belly with his tie all loose. He was mumbeling to himself when Ryan says, "Hey, what happened?" the guy just keeps mumbeling, "Um... dude you hit us?" Wine-o's response "Oh No, I'm fine" "No, YOU- HIT- US" At this point it seemed like a loss cause trying to communicating, the guy was clearly out of it. Oh, did I mentioned it was 6:15 on a Monday morning? You thought it was Saturday night? Well of course you did! Why would this dude be out on a Monday morning? Because he is an IDIOT! Back to the story. Ryan came to check on me and see if I was calling the cops. When he turns to go back to talk to the guy the guy is getting in his car and driving off. Ryan starts punching his window, doesn't break it (unfortunately) and scrapes up his hand and gives himself several blood blisters. The state patrol showed up about 20 minutes later.

Oh to be in the mind of the soberly challenged. To know his thoughts, to understand his reasoning- "No, I'm fine to drive! I'm so good that I am going to drive while performing my own sobreity test! One hand on the wheel, one hand on my nose!"

"Look at me! I'm flying! I'm riding this majestic blue unicorn above a sea of lights!"

"Oh no, what's that shiny white thing?!"

"Ah man, my car looks awful! It looks like a T-Rex took a bite out of it! No seriously, look at this, oh my gosh, T-Rex in 2010! How is this possible?! He must have been so hungry, munchin' on a car! Doesn't he know cars are for driving not for eating?! That is so funny!!!"

"Oh who is this guy? What's he saying? Is he a caveman? He sure looks like it with that sloping forehead. He must own the T-Rex"