Sunday, August 21, 2011

and More Photos...

More Family Photos

Family Photos

Wedding Photos

My cousin Anna was married August 6th in Spokane. Here are some of the photos.

Adventures with Dicks

Ryan got it set in his mind that we had to eat at the Dicks while in Spokane. After attending my cousins wedding we changed into our leisure clothes, snatched up a chauffeur and attendees and set for on the great adventure. We found such glee when we pulled in. Delighted by the neon sign and friendly attendees. We ordered a bag of burgers, fries, and onion rings for ma. We then took our loot back to the hotel and had a family dinner gazing upon Spokane. Dicks was everything we could hope for. for me it was stale buns and sub-par burgers. For Ryan, well, "it's better then Seattle".

Vacation Photos

We had a little family reunion over in Couer d' Alene the first weekend of August. It was a gathering of all the children and their children of Dom and Kathy Sansotta. We went to Silverwood and went on a "Pirate Cruise". It was a really great time. Probably the most fun I had was playing in the pool with my neices and nephews.


I feel like this one has the potential to catch on.


I don't really feel like this one will catch on...

Planking Fail

Here Phil is bridging the gap between Ry and the entertainment center.

Apparently Ry needed to add some height to make this a success.

Here Phil is trying to bridge the gap between a shelf in the closet and the bathroom sink.

Turns out the shelf wasn't completely fastened to the wall. Down came Phil, shelf, and contents.


Let's be honest, I think we all knew it was only a matter of time before there was a planking post. So, planking, seems to be a big hit amongst football players and idiots, naturally we had to take a stab at it.

Here are the lessons that we walked away with from a night of planking:

1) Never plank on a full stomach, its amazing how much core strength you need.

2) Anything can be planked with the right attitude and determination.

3) Yes, I said anything can be planked, but planking small children is really frowned upon.

4) Large dogs on the other hand are ok to plank, so long as their owner is distracted with a riveting story and large hand gestures.

5) Alcohol enhances all planking ideas.

6) There is no small plank, only small people.

7) Small people can plank just as well as any other normal sized human being.

8) Whenever Phil Sansotta is involved plan on four things:

1) An exit strategy from the authority.

2) Loss or destruction of any valuable items.

3) Loss of willpower and only a deep desire to feed into his crazy ideas.

4) Phil will, without a doubt, break your sunglasses.

9) Never plank alone.

10) Football players should never go on strike again.


Thursday, August 4, 2011

Just Posin'

Oh Sarge...

Lil Sis being her mischief self <3

The Lost Members of the Village People

Me and my Ma

Gotta love a man in uniform, better yet, Two!

The Boys

Featured are the Brown Boys, Two Generations.

Ben with son Luke, Dixon and Ryan and good buddy Randall.