Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Subject: Quick Question

This is an email conversation I had with a co-worker a week or two ago.

Co-Worker (CW): Just wondering if the company w-2’s are going to be available electronically or just the usual papier!
CW: When do they go out? I bought turbo tax yesterday and now im on a roll!
Me: They don’t have to mail them till the last day of this month.
CW: I know that much, was just curiou when they go out.  Will you do my taxes for me? 
Me: Two things, CW. 1)      Stop asking ridiculous questions2)      Stop making ridiculous requests
And a third, because I like you so much. 3)      Stop with the ridiculous hair
CW: 1. Difficult because I, as a person, am pretty ridiculous.A. Im glad we resorted to bullets, because that’s how I talk to my friends.                        A.1. Not saying that you’re my friend because that would be giving you too much credit.2.  No! I would have also used a certain adjective/noun/pronoun after no if this were not company email.             A.  I will give you a hint. It is an adjective/noun/pronoun that Jules uses a lot in Pulp Fiction. And it is not what Marsellus Wallace looks like. 4.  I do my hair every day like this, just for you. That cuts real deep, Mary.


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