Monday, November 28, 2011

Conversations With My Brother: Facebook Edition

Phil Sansotta


RyanMary Brown


Phil Sansotta



RyanMary Brown

I'm on count down till my concert

Bijou! Ohh Bijou!

what are you doing?

I thought annie's birthday was the 25th, it is right?

Phil Sansotta

it is. I'm warming up the ipod before i got lift shit over my head:)

RyanMary Brown

will you listen to the sounds?

Phil Sansotta

im sorry that made no sense. I'm going to the gym to pick stuff up and hold it over my head.

RyanMary Brown

I knew what you were saying

Phil Sansotta

I like the sounds. hit me, hit me hard, hit me right between the eyes...

RyanMary Brown

I will let you know if they perform that song

Phil Sansotta

when is the concert?

RyanMary Brown

the limousines are one of the openers for them


Phil Sansotta

Oh Shit!

RyanMary Brown

like, 3 hours

waiting for ry to get off work

we will check in, change, get drunk in our hotel room and go party

it's going to be choice

it's going to be super boss

Phil Sansotta

btw, I made lots of comments on your fb because you shit makes me laugh. when you biffed it at the trampoline house i spit water out of my face.


RyanMary Brown


no literally, I just lol'd in my office super loud

RyanMary Brown

you like it in super slow mo did ya?

Phil Sansotta

haha awesome. i rotfl'd.

I did, yes, and the 3 replays that followed

RyanMary Brown

I'm thinking of uploading "bonus" feature for edwina

essentially that whole sandwhich scene


cuz you liked it

Phil Sansotta

I want to see that sooo bad! I really did think that was seriously funny.

RyanMary Brown

one day you can be in a video Phil! More than just professor sock

Phil Sansotta

It was the best bart because of serious you were trying to but it in there. no funny business, but it was all funny business.

Is professor sock out on the intraweb somewhere?

RyanMary Brown

yeah, he is

you want me to post the link on your page?

Phil Sansotta

I would love to be a video, I wouldn't muck it up like rybro. what a ham:) and yes, post that next level shit!

RyanMary Brown

hells to the yeah

if it will let me!

i got booted out

Phil Sansotta

If you ever get a chance, look up total recall commentary with arnold schwarsenagger ( totally spelled it wrong) it's awesome because he just narrates the whole time.

RyanMary Brown


that sounds funy

PHIL! Your page is a pos, it won't let me do anything

Phil Sansotta

i'm dying right now. i dont know what pos means. oh wait, piece o shit. ouch.

RyanMary Brown

there you go

good boy

Phil Sansotta

are you guys coming down for christmas?

RyanMary Brown


out of vacation days

Phil Sansotta

when will i see you guys then?

RyanMary Brown

who knows...

Phil Sansotta

I txtd mom to see what the plan was, but she's none responsive.

RyanMary Brown

we will probably only back if someone gets married or dies

Phil Sansotta

I died

RyanMary Brown

brandi is supposed to have a reception during the summer, so we'll come back for that

yeah, I tried to call her yesterday, no answered

doesn't count, it can't be a metaphorical death

did you know brandi eloped?

her and john got married in a tattoo shopped

ok, I think I tagged you

I couldn't figure out how to post to your page successfully

Phil Sansotta

mom got her hair cut and told annie a couple days ago. good for her, brandi I mean.

RyanMary Brown

so I posted it to mind and trid to tag you

Phil Sansotta

i'm dead...inside.

RyanMary Brown

not really, pretty sure your internal organs are still working

this has to be a physical death

Phil Sansotta

gtfo. I just laughed so hard to this video you posted. i'm crying. this was happy time for me. I just savagely molested ryan.

RyanMary Brown

phil, if you do die, I will show this at your funeral so that we can all remember what a truly amazing human being you were

I will also create another video where I put your head on a griffin and it rises out of your corpse and flies up to heaven and then Jesus jumps on your back and you guys fly around killiing all the terrorist with laser guns

Phil Sansotta

Hahaha yes! I look like a tool in your fedora tho, don't superimpose that on the griffins body. can i ride the back of a pegasus while jesus rides me?

RyanMary Brown

people might find that sacraligious

mine is in good taste still, I think Papu would cry

Phil Sansotta

haha, I'm taking him with me. bijou will be like attreyou from the never ending story and will ride!

RyanMary Brown

oh bijou, till we meet again!

I have this friend who thinks you are so hot, and always asks about you

which I always have to remind her you are married

well anyway, she emailed me and was like, who is the hotty with Ryan?!!!!

and I had to write her back and be like, still my brother...

Phil Sansotta

haha who? sure i'm conventionally pretty.

RyanMary Brown

and she was like, no wonder I thought he was hot!

Phil Sansotta

well I think you're the one who needs to be worried:)

RyanMary Brown

you wouldn't know her


Phil Sansotta

she just a work friend? that's so nice of her, tell her thanks. everyone likes a compliment

RyanMary Brown

we don't look alike Phil

you are not my twin

I will!


Phil Sansotta

shut your dirty mouth. you should be honored to share my distinct genetic makeup

RyanMary Brown

dude, I came out first, you share mine

Phil, it's always an honor knowing we habitated the same womb

Phil Sansotta

I know! god mom was a lucky woman

RyanMary Brown

she's lucky we didn't punch our way out

or that a rainbow didn't fucking rip open her stomach so that we could ride out in style

Phil Sansotta

haha bring on the crazy!

RyanMary Brown

it's all I know bro, it's all I know

I thought you were headed to the gym?

Phil Sansotta

I came out with a flying dragon side kick. i blew placenta and after birth all over the mother fucker!

I am, I just got to rapping with my scissa

RyanMary Brown

and that is why they changed your birthing center to a bank, it could never be the same again


Phil Sansotta

they changed it to a bank because I'm money baby!

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